Catholic schools firmly believe that families provide the foundation for the faith development of their children. Therefore, we place particular emphasis on partnering with families in forming their children in the Catholic faith. This partnership gives students a chance to understand the mission, beliefs and practices of their faith. With a firm sense of their values and faith, students can boldly go into a world that needs them and make a difference.
Catholic Identity
St. Mary School is a Catholic School. Faith Formation is of the utmost importance. We welcome children and families of all faiths and the incorporation of God, spirituality, and kindness and compassion to others into our classrooms on a daily basis. We work to impart upon our students the understanding that, in the words of the hymn, “We are many parts, We are all one Body in Christ”, and we are all called to make a difference in the world. We believe fostering active participation in a faith community can begin at a young age. Students attend mass with their grade level weekly, and monthly with the entire school. Our Early Childhood Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes also attend mass with the incorporation of a “Buddy Program” that pairs older students with younger students, in order to model to one another how we are tied together in faith. Older Buddies also take part in classroom activities with their younger counterparts, creating bonds and friendships that exist outside the church setting. Preparation for the Catholic Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation are conducted as part of their respective grade levels in partnership with our priests, our parish religious education leaders, and our faculty. Reconciliation and First Communion occur in 2nd Grade, while Confirmation occurs in 8th Grade. In addition to in-school faith participation, students are encouraged to practice and participate in their faith within our parish community, as well as the broader community at large. Students in 4th-8th grade can be altar servers, students can elect to be a cantor and can join and sing at masses. Junior High students participate in mandatory service hours. In the Curriculum:
Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for the Catholic Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation are conducted as part of their respective grade levels in partnership with our priests, our parish religious education leaders, and our faculty. Reconciliation and First Communion occur in 2nd Grade, while Confirmation occurs in 8th Grade. Peace Builder Program
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